张京昊 Dino Zhang

张京昊 Dino Zhang
  • 性别:
  • 职业:导演

张京昊 Dino Zhang简介


张京昊旅居于伦敦和上海。本科毕业于中央圣马丁学院纯艺专业,研究生毕业于牛津大学纯艺专业。通过重新构想历史**的替代叙述,他着迷于与历史人物建立直接联系。在以研究为主导的实践中,他寻找关于过去记忆与凝视历史的主体之间的关联,以及重新激活历史**的方法。Dino Zhang is an artist based in London and Shanghai. He graduated with a BA Fine Art degree at the Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London, followed by an MFA degree at the Ruskin School of Art, University of Oxford. By reimagining alternative narrations of historical events, Dino obsesses with building up a personal connection with historical characters. In a research-led practice, he looks for a myriad of insights into the entanglement between the memory of the past and the subject gazing into history, with the methodologies of reactivating historical events.

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