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"Every living thing that shares the planet with us has had to adapt and evolve over millions of years. Every flower, every insect, every animal is a miracle waiting to be discovered, a marvel to be respected and loved. But we like to replace them with our own inventions, served up by the magicians of advertising, the promoters of progress and over-consumption. Unfortunately, th...

正在播放:幻象幻想 。 更新于09-03 18:25,播放来源于搜狐。





幻象幻想在线观看。 更新于09-03 18:25,播放来源于搜狐。


剧情介绍:幻想-"Every living thing that shares the planet with us has had to adapt and evolve over millions of years. Every flower, every insect, every animal is a miracle waiting to be discovered, a marvel to be respected and loved. But we like to replace them with our own inventions, served up by the magicians of advertising, the promoters of progress and over-consumption. Unfortunately, th...——八戒分享提供。