A Friend's Obsession

A Friend's Obsession(2018)

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A Friend's Obsession剧情内容介绍

A Friend's Obsession原名:A Friend's Obsession,又名Lethal Admirer

When Megan's fiancé is killed, she moves cross country and rebuilds her life with a new boyfriend and a closer relationship with her sister. Once she befriends one of her old colleagues, Lloyd, things take a turn for the worse. She realizes he will make her his - no matter the cost.

发布于2018年。由Craig Goldstein执导,并且由编剧Suju Abraham、D.C. Freedman携幕后团队创作。集众多位卡丽莎·斯特普尔斯、凯拉·伊薇儿、安德鲁·西雷、布赖恩·艾姆斯、帕梅拉·罗伊兰斯、马特·伯朗西、阿尔·伯克、查德·杜尔、考特尼·霍普、Kenneth Beck、Liz Benoit等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2018-02-12(美国)公映的电影。


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