Phalaris's Bull: Solving the Riddle of the Great Big World

Phalaris's Bull: Solving the Riddle of the Great Big World(2019)

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Phalaris's Bull: Solving the Riddle of the Great Big World剧情内容介绍

Phalaris's Bull: Solving the Riddle of the Great Big World原名:Phalaris's Bull: Solving the Riddle of the Great Big World,

Harvard-educated biologist, artist and philosopher, Steven Friedman answers life's big questions. Using personal narrative, poetry, art, and science, he offers a solution to the world's pain based on logical rigor - a philosophy starting from Kierkegaard's story of an ancient torture device that turns the terrible sounds of pain into music.

发布于2019年。由Gabriel Horn执导,并且由编剧Steven Friedman携幕后团队创作。集众多位Steven Friedman等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2019-04-01(美国)公映的电影。


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