That One Time


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That One Time

Who doesn’t love some good ol’ moody teenagers? Melanie Wagor’s directorial debut that she also wrote and produced is about teenagers looking to define themselves in 2020. So if you can’t **** but find yourself questioning why high schoolers act the way they do now, That One Time may be your look into their psyche you needed.  Wagor got her start with the DGA in their developmen...

发布于2020年。并且由编剧Cameron Northey、Melanie Wagor携幕后团队创作。集众多位珍娜·莉·格林、托伊·金太尔、瑞恩·李、劳伦·拉基斯、乔尔·迈克利、Michelle DeShon、迪伦·弗拉施纳、达纳·梅兰妮、德蒙特·莫罗尼、James Hazley、Yazmin Monet Watkins、Brynne Erskine、Rickey Eugene Brown等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2020-01-01(美国)公映的电影。


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